
PhD students


Information Visualization

In 2021, I was the lecturer and course coordinator for the Information Visualization course (5204INVI6Y) of the Master Artificial Intelligence study programme at the University of Amsterdam. In the spirit of open education, I have made the course material available for free here. The links below lead to the lecture slide PDFs and lecture videos on YouTube. The study material repository created by Reitze Jansen contains paper links to the course’s optional reading.

  1. Introductionslides, video
  2. Perception & cognitionslides, video
  3. Design basics slides, video
  4. Interaction & evaluationslides, video
  5. Multivariate dataslides, video
  6. Visual analyticsslides, video
  7. Geo & temporal dataslides, video
  8. Graphs, networks & treesslides, video
  9. Text analyticsslides, video
  10. Multimedia analyticsslides, video
  11. Visualizations for transparent decisions (guest lecture by Jack van Wijk, Eindhoven University of Technology) — slides, video
  12. Multimedia analytics for urban computing (guest lecture by Stevan Rudinac & Ujjwal Sharma, University of Amsterdam) — Stevan’s slides, Ujjwal’s slides, video
  13. Hot topics in InfoVisslides, video